Don't you just hate when you get on the bus and there are those ANNOYING people who think they are in their own car, or are the only person on the bus? Just like there are things you don't do at a table or on a plane, there are things you just don't do on a bus!
(These are in no particular order)
15. The bus is not a playground, so don't let your kids act like it is one - Don't you just hate those parents who let their kids run around like they're in their own home or on the school's playground? Why? It's a MOVING vehicle!!! Come on now.
14. Don't yell 'INDOOR VOICES' at your kids (especially when they aren't even being that loud) - Set an example for your child. By yelling indoor voices, you totally defeat the purpose of them using their indoor voices. If mommy can yell, so can we!
13. Don't pay with 100 coins - Now I understand if you have a bunch of coins and thats it. But come on... Jamming up the coin taker? Pleaseee. Put them in a few at a time if you have 100 coins!
12. Don't stare at others - This one goes for ALL the time, not just on the bus. But seriously, it is so uncomfortable when you are sitting on the bus and you can feel the person across the isle just staring you down. So you look over at them and then they look away.... two seconds later they're at it again!!
11. You can listen to your music, but the rest of us DO NOT want to hear it - It's been a long day at school or work, you have a headache and you're getting on the bus to go home. You sit down and at the next stop this guy (or girl) gets on the bus and sits behind you, 3 seats back. S/he has headphones on, but might as well have speakers, because everyone on the bus can hear the words perfectly!! I don't mind if people listen to music, I do it myself sometimes, but if I don't want to listen to YOUR music!
10. Don't sing aloud to your music - There is a time and a place for everything. You may think a bus is a great place to display your musical talents (or lack of) but its not. Just that plain and simple, if we wanted to hear you sing, we would ask you.
9. Move to the back of the bus - When the bus is getting full and you are standing up, don't stay at the front of the bus, move to the back! The people in the back don't bite! I was on the bus the other day (luckily I had snagged a seat) but I noticed these people who were standing right before the step up to the back of the bus and they just wouldn't go to the VERY back. More people were getting on and it was getting extremely squished near the front. The back of the bus had all that space! Just be courteous and move back! Its not that difficult.
8. Give up your seat for the elderly - Yeah, you may be tired, but when an older lady or man get on the bus everyone should start to get up to give him/her a seat. It's just not right to have an elderly person standing. I was on a bus one day (standing) and this older man got on the bus and NO ONE got up to give him a seat at first. I was mortified. There were all these people in their 20's sitting and no one offered him a seat.
7. Talk to your friends not at them - I don't want to hear your conversation and I don't think anyone else does either, so don't talk to your friend who is on the opposite end of the bus. Enough said.
6. Wear deodorant please - Deodorant or soap, it's not too expensive. If you can afford to ride the bus, you can afford you cleanse. I was on the bust one day and this guy about my age got on. He was standing near the back door, and I was sitting near it. He lifted his arm to hold onto the bar and I almost puked. I think the person next to me was feeling a bit queasy too! I hope he didn't think that raunchy smell was me!
5. When you cough, cover your mouth - Like, we learn this in primary! Don't spread germs, we're already too close to each other. If you have to cough just be polite and cover your mouth!
4. If the bus is full, don't take up two seats - It's just that simple! Put your bag on your lap or on the floor. Not so hard to do.
3. Talking on cell phones - It's okay to talk on your cell, we all do it. But no one wants to hear your conversation about the guy you slept with last night or how you just found out you can fit your entire fist (including most of your wrist) in your mouth.
2. If there are a lot of empty seats, don't sit by a random person - There are empty seats everywhere but you get on the bus and just have to sit by me! Why????
1. If I'm listening to music, I don't want to talk to you - I have my earphones in for a reason. A) I want to listen to my music. B) I am tired and had a long day. C) To avoid weird people who like to make small talk with me on the bus.
If you follow these rules I think everyone would enjoy their bus ride just a little bit more! Thanks for everyone who gave me ideas on facebook!