About Jill

Jillian Smith was born and raised in Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia. Since a young age she has been interested in reading and writing. She has always demonstrated an active imagination!

Scott and Jill
Self described as an elephant-enthusiast, since the around the age of two Jill developed a love for elephants from watching Sharon, Lois and Bram's The Elephant Show. Now, she not only does she love elephants, but she aspires to help the endangered spices. One day, she hopes to go to Thailand and visit Boon Lott's Elephant Sanctuary, where she will be able to interact with elephants and help them have a better life.

Jill also loves kittens and cats. She hopes to own many, and overcome her recent allergies to cats. Jill loves food and to share great recipes. She is interested in social media, decorating and shopping! She loves warm weather, reading and writing.

Jill with her family
Family is important to Jill and always has been. Often, she will mention family members in her blogs because they are such an important part of her everyday life. Friends are also another key element in Jill's life. She has been lucky to have so many wonderful and rewarding friendships. 

Jill is a Bachelor of Public Relations student at Mount Saint Vincent University, in Halifax, NS. Before transferring to her BPR, Jill was enrolled in a BA at Dalhousie University. After realizing what she didn't want to do, Jill found her calling at MSVU. Now in her final year, Jill is still learning lots and loving the profession more each day. Public Relations experience includes volunteering for organizations, Communications Officer at Fisheries and Oceans Canada: Oceans and Coastal Development, Communications Coordinator at the Renfrew County District School Board in Pembroke, ON and Work Experience Student at Shell Scotford in Fort Saskatchewan, AB.

Contact: Comment on posts, or follow on Twitter. For private messages DM on Twitter.

Please note: The view expressed on this blog do not reflect the views of Jillian Smith's employer.