Tuesday, December 8, 2009

10 Good Ways to Procrastinate for Exams

We all do it. I am talking about procrastinating for those G.D. exams! You're probably thinking, good procrastinating? Well we all get stressed out, so if we're going to procrastinate then it might as well be something that helps you de-stress.
So I thought I would come up with some ways to procrastinate that will -- in the long run-- help you with your studying!

1. Blog - Obviously. Blogging is a good way to get your thoughts out. Plus you can set a limit for yourself. "After I write this I will go back to studying." If you are stressed out about exams, write about them!

2. Make a healthy snack - According to the University of Kansas Medical Centre eating a healthy snack that includes protein - such as cheese or nuts - will help energizer you! Then you will be more energetic and ready to get back to studying.

3. Stretch - Visit www.nwhealth.edu/healthyU/getmoving/officewo.html for a "mini office workout", which we'll call a mini study break workout!

4. Watch Ellen - She always makes me laugh! She'll make you laugh too. Or watch a show that you love. Limit it to one show and not a move, nothing longer than an hour. If you watch an entire movie you may get lazy and not want to get back to work. Laughing is a good stress reliever; you can study on the commercials if you're a keener! Once the show is over you can get back to studying.

5. Clean - Sounds like a drag I know. But if you clean up your study space and have everything organized you'll be able to study better! You'll know where all your notes are, and not have to waste time searching your entire room for them!

6. Rearrange your room - Feng Shui your room! There are many types of Feng Shui for exam studying the best thing to do would be to feng shui for knowledge and wisdom! Here are some easy tips from http://home.ivillage.com. Add blue to your room to increase your brain vibes. Have symbols of mentors or wise people. Like a picture of Gandhi, or someone you admire their wisdom in your study area. As for things to remove from your study space: drugs and alcohol, clutter (give yourself space), unclear stuff (windex your window, clean off your computer monitor).

7. Talk to a friend - Call up your best friend, or head over to his/her house. Take a break with them. Talk about what you’re stressed out about so s/he can offer you solutions to your exam stress problems!

8. Stick notes around your room - Run to the dollar store, or campus bookstore and buy some sticky notes. Write key facts, phrases or stuff you need to remember on them and stick them around your room. On your closet door, beside your reading light etc. You'll look at them a lot and start remembering them for your exams!

9. Exercise - Go for a brisk walk, or head to the gym for a power hour workout! Yoga is a great relaxation technique so if you're feeling really stressed head to a yoga class, or find an instructional video online.

10. Get fresh air - Make sure you get a little fresh air daily! A ten minute walk in the park or to the library will help.

Exam time can be so stressful, and I know everyone procrastinates, so why not do some good procrastinating?

Now that I’m done procrastinating I better get back to my studying!

Good luck on your exams!


  1. this is awesome!
    we are both huge procrastinators haha

  2. Hahah I know.. its so true.. i thought you would like this (:
