Sunday, January 23, 2011

Green Tips of the Week - Jan 24

Here's this week's list of sustainability tips!  Go and make your life more green!

squash-lasagna.jpg1. Eat meat-free meals once a week. Meat makes a person's eco-footprint much bigger as it takes more resources. However, chicken makes the smallest eco-footprint of all meats.

2. Reuse water. Collect the water used to rinse food like fruits and veggies, then re-use that water to houseplants! You can easily collect water in the summertime - just get some buckets to collect rain water.

3. Try to be "carbon neutral". Air traveling and driving all have GHG effects.  "Here's how it works: if you add polluting emissions to the atmosphere, you can effectively subtract them by purchasing carbon offsets. Carbon offsets are simply credits for emission reductions achieved by projects such as wind farms, solar installations, or energy efficiency retrofits. You can purchase these credits and apply them to your own emissions to reduce your net climate impact." - Check out more from

4. Install a water-efficient showerhead. If your shower fills a 4L bucket in less than 20 seconds, replace the shower head with a water efficient model. At Canadian Tire you can get a "low-flow showerhead" for as low as $5.99.

5. Plastic #2, #4 and #5. These are the safest kinds of plastic to reuse. Then you can check and see if #1, #3, #6 and #7 are recycled in your province! Check out's information about recycling plastics.

One last fact: Canadians and Americans are the heaviest users of energy in the WORLD, on a per capita basis.

Now head back into your daily life and go green :)

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