Monday, January 23, 2012

IWK And Capital Health do an It Gets Better video

Last Friday I went to the IWK to see a video premiere of an It Get's Better video. I was lucky enough to go to the premiere because a good friend of mine worked on the video. Cory recorded all the interviews, and did such a great job! This was a joint venture between Captial Health, the IWK and Pride Health. A huge crowd came to the premiere - there were no seats left in the auditorium!  

According to the CTV news story, this was the first health care organization to upload an It Gets Better video to I know many people are familiar with it gets better, but for those of you who aren't here's a little tid bit of what it's all about: 

"In September 2010, syndicated columnist and author Dan Savage created a YouTube video with his partner Terry Miller to inspire hope for young people facing harassment. In response to a number of students taking their own lives after being bullied in school, they wanted to create a personal way for supporters everywhere to tell LGBT youth that, yes, it does indeed get better" - It Get's Better Project, About 

I can't imagine what it must take for those in the LGBT community to get up and talk about their experience. But I'm glad they do. We need to make sure that the youth in our communities feel safe to be themselves.

Please, watch the video below and share it with as many people as you can! Again - a shout out to Cory Burris for such a great job!! So proud of this :) 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Household items that Clean Effectively: Lemons

Recently I came across an article on about All-Natural Cleaning Solutions. I am all about using natural items to clean my home, as it will be better for myself and the environment. But like many people say, you can't believe everything that is on the internet. What I decided to do was test out some of these cleaning solutions and report them back to you.

Lemons. I decided to try lemon juice versus real lemons squeezed. Here is the list suggested by that lemon best cleans.

Counter-tops: Lemons make your counter top sparkle, and smell good too!
Cutting boards: You know how cutting boards have knife marks and sometimes within those a smell? Well lemons make it go away. I washed it in soap and water then Rubbed a quarter lemon on the plastic cutting board. It feels clean and new!
Dishes: You can definitely see the shine in my glasses. I sat one washed in lemon glass next to the one that was not and there was an amazing difference!! (Was not captured in the photo I tried taking)
Faucets: Make sure you wash off any lemon left over so that it does not stick on the faucet. I forgot to wash off a faucet, and luckily we didn't have an guests before I noticed it. It looked like boogers. But, if you do wash it off the faucet is shiny like new! I also used it on the drain in the sinks and tub. Worked wonderfully!  
Garbage disposal: Could not test - I don't have a garbage disposal. If anyone tries this out leave a comment!
Grout: It works!! :)
Hands: Since I don't touch raw fish, I decided to test this out with garlic. My hands did not have the leftover smell of garlic. It was so nice. You can also use metal to get rid of the smell.
Laundry: If anyone tries this out, let me know. I do my laundry at a laundry mat and didn't try it.
Plastic-food storage containers: It totally works!! I used lemon juice from a bottle mixed with water and let it sit, then washed it. Worked like a charm, all the tomato-based sauces are not stained on my containers anymore. I definitely recommend everyone does this, your containers will look like new!

Try these out! I used fresh lemons and lemon juice. They both work great. If you like the smell of fresh lemons, your bathroom and kitchen will smell so great every time you walk into the house! If you perfer the smell of grapefruit try these remedies with it as well!

Next time: I'll test out Vinegar.